Get your hands on an Apple-1, Pippin, or sealed iPhone via latest auction

Apple memorabilia on sale at auction. Image source: RR Auction

Apple collectors looking to get sealed first-generation iPhones, EVT and DVT prototypes, and piles of memorabilia like magazines and business cards can join in on an auction running through March 20.

Any time old Apple products and collectibles end up on the auction block, they can sell for thousands of dollars. Unopened iPhones and pieces of Steve Jobs’ wardrobe tend to be big sellers.

The latest auction, first reported by MacRumors, has a range of Apple historical memorabilia available. RR Auction has a total of 317 lots under the “Steve Jobs and the Apple Revolution” section, which can be bid on until March 20, 7 p.m. EDT.

There’s a lot here, but perhaps most interesting is the collection of prototype devices. These are identified by the various stages they were in, like engineering validation testing (EVT), design validation testing (DVT), or production validation testing (PVT).

Get an Apple-1 with a manual and accessories starting at $5,000. It is expected to bring in more than $300,000.

Maybe you want an Apple/Bandi Pippin EVT prototype that starts at $200 but will end up more than $1,500. There’s also a ton of memorabilia including a branded coloring kit expecting to sell for $800.

The auction also features a few other pieces of tech history, like the $40,000 Twitter bird logo from the San Francisco headquarters or a $30,000 game development archive for Star Wars Arcade.

Bidding has already begun. This particular set of goods will go to the highest bidder when it closes on March 20. If you’d rather not spend $75,000 on an iPhone, don’t worry, the iPhone 16e is a steal by comparison.

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