Datacolor LightColor Meter brings Bluetooth precision to photographers and filmmakers

If you are a photographer or videographer, you know just how important lighting is. You can have fancy high-end cameras, but if your lighting sucks, the end result can really suffer. Wouldn’t it be cool to scientifically monitor lighting rather than trust your gut?

Well, if you like that idea, I have great news. You see, Datacolor has launched a really cool new product called “LightColor Meter.” This diminutive device is designed to measure both light intensity and color temperature.

Best of all, Datacolor LightColor Meter works with various lighting types, including natural daylight, tungsten, LED, HMI, fluorescent, and strobe. Why is that important? It can help both photographers and cinematographers achieve consistent color accuracy regardless of the light type.

One of the coolest aspects of this product is its Bluetooth connectivity. Yes, you can wirelessly connect your iPhone or Android phone to it! And then, you can adjust lighting without having to run back and forth between their camera and the metering location. How awesome is that?

What’s not awesome, sadly, is the price. The Datacolor LightColor Meter is available now on Amazon for $399. Yeah, that price is a bit high, but if it can help you create better photos and/or videos, it should be worth it.

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