The Crossword, March 3: Think Again (Themeless)

They say March comes in like a lion, which is why we thought it appropriate to BEGIN the month with a challenging themeless. That is the reason you are getting a themeless puzzle this week and did not get one last week to end the month as you normally do! It has nothing to do with a total puzzle post scheduling mistake on my part, for which I am very sorry. This week’s puzzle was constructed by Trent Evans and edited by Hoang-Kim Vu. Trent has been constructing crossword puzzles since 2018. His work has appeared in the New York TimesLos Angeles TimesWall Street Journal, and other major publications and independent puzzle venues. He publishes free puzzles at He is a clinical psychologist in private practice in Catonsville, Md., where he lives with his wife Beth and their dog Donut. A rotating cast of five young adult children breeze in and out at their leisure, much to Trent and Beth’s delight. 

Defector crosswords, launched in partnership with our friends at AVCX, run every Monday. If you’re interested in submitting a puzzle to us, you can read our guidelines HERE.

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